Check out the GeoGuessr Map Directory for a list of high-quality community maps.

Training Mode Script

GeoGuessr Training Mode

Adds options to tag and save locations to Map Making App, show coverage lines, hide compass, enable terrain mode, hide car meta, and more.

Install GeoGuessr Training Mode

Streak Scripts

Country Streak

Adds a country streak counter that automatically updates while you play.

Install Country Streak

State Streak

Adds a state/province/region streak counter that automatically updates while you play (may not work for all countries, depending on how they define their regions).

Install State Streak

Hedge Streak

Adds a hedge streak counter that automatically updates while you play and tracks how many games in a row you score 20,000 points or more.

Install Hedge Streak

County Streak

Adds a county streak counter that automatically updates while you play (may not work for all countries, depending on how they define their counties).

Install County Streak

Island Streak

Adds an island streak counter that automatically updates while you play. Currently supported countries: New Zealand, Indonesia, Japan, Greece, Philippines (Island Streaks GeoGuessr map).

Install Island Streak

Quad Streak

Draws a grid over the minimap, and tracks how many correct quads you guess in a row.

Install Quad Streak

Post-War Europe Country Streak

Adds a country streak counter that uses European country borders from the post-war era, prior to the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Install Post-War Europe Country Streak

Custom Streaks

Streak script that allows you to use custom GeoJSON data for streaks. (How-to Guide)

Install Custom Streaks

Misc Scripts

(some may be broken due to GeoGuessr site changes)

Both Compasses

Shows both compasses (classic compass must be disabled in GeoGuessr settings).

Install Both Compasses

Compass North Hotkey (N)

Press N to point the streetview map due north.

Install Compass North Hotkey (N)

Compass Switch Hotkey (TAB)

Press 'TAB' to switch compasses between classic and new.

Install Compass Switch Hotkey (TAB)

Connect 4 Map Grid

Shows a grid overlay on the minimap and counts the streaks (map link).

Install Connect 4 Map Grid

Correct Location Panning

Opens GeoGuessr locations in Google Maps with the correct panning and coverage date when clicking the flag icon on the map.

Install Correct Location Panning

Country Blitz

Get as many countries correct as you can within the time limit.

Install Country Blitz

Disable Screen Shake

Disables screen shake after opponent guesses.

Install Disable Screen Shake

Emoji Replacer

(Client-side only). Replaces the default GeoGuessr emojis with the supplied images (you can put custom images in by editing the script).

Install Emoji Replacer

Exact Map Location Count

Shows the exact location count on the map page, rather than 50k, 100k, etc

Install Exact Map Location Count

Exact Round Time

Allows you to change the round time limit in 1 second increments instead of 10 seconds.

Install Exact Round Time

Expose Seed Quitters

Shows all players on the challenge results screen, even if they didn't complete all 5 rounds.

Install Expose Seed Quitters

Games Played Counter

Shows how many games you have played and allows you to set a counter (click counter on the game screen to configure).

Install Games Played Counter

Google Maps - Hide Google Maps UI

Press 'H' to toggle Google Maps UI elements

Install Google Maps - Hide Google Maps UI

Hide Compass

Hides the compass

Install Hide Compass

Hide Division Leaderboard

Hides the division leaderboard by default.

Install Hide Division Leaderboard

Hide Pano Author

Hides the copyright that shows the name of the author of the Streetview panorma.

Install Hide Pano Author

Blurs out the party invite link (also pro league invite links) so people can't randomly join by typing the address (made for streamers/content creators).

Install Hide Party Link

Hide Score

Hides your score and guesses while playing the game and only shows it at the end.

Install Hide Score

Map Making App - Copy Tags

Copies tags and location counts to clipboard in Map Making App for pasting into a spreadsheet.

Install Map Making App - Copy Tags

Adds extra links (Pro Leagues, Liked Maps, My Maps) to the navigation bar.

Install More Menu Links

Mosaic Multi

Divide the round up into tiles and reveal them one-by-one and score bonus points for using fewer tiles (made for NMPZ).

Install Mosaic Multi

Party Purge

Leave all your lobbies with the click of a button.

Install Party Purge

Results Select All Players

Selects all players on the results screen.

Install Results Select All Players

Save To Map Making App

Save locations to Map Making App after each round.

Install Save To Map Making App

Team Duels Bot Instaguess

Use in conjunction with a bot account to instaguess on Antarctica (or guess after a specified delay) on team duels.

Install Team Duels Bot Instaguess

Team Duels Timer

Adds a timer that counts up or down to team duels.

Install Team Duels Timer

View Country Leaderboards

View leaderboards for all countries, not just your own.

Install View Country Leaderboards

Visual Filters

Applies visual filters (brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, blur, etc) to the streetview map. (Edit the filters by clicking the button next to your score while in-game).

Install Visual Filters


For the true weebs out there.

Install WeabooGuessr

World Score Reference

See approximately what a round score would have been on a world map (while playing other maps e.g. country-specific maps).

Install World Score Reference